Dr. Hesham Motowa, The Narrative Time Between Wolfgang Burchert and Gamal Al Ghitani …………………..271-306
The article compared the story of the German writer Wolfgang Borscht, "The Kitchen Clock," and the story of the Egyptian writer Gamal Al-Ghitani, "A land ... a land." The comparison was based on the narrative time in both works. The article gains its importance due to the scarcity of comparative studies in the field of Arab and German cultures. Most of the comparative studies in Arab studies revolve between Arabic literature on the one hand and English or French literature on the other hand. The article concluded that there are multiple similarities between Wolfgang Borchert and Gamal Al Ghitani, with no direct relationships of influence between the two writers. These similar relationships may be the result a number of similar experiences resulting from the brutal military defeat that the two authors went through.
Short story, The Narrative time, Gamal Al Ghitani, Wolfgang Burchert